New And Renovated Sports Centres Arise Around The World

New And Renovated Sports Centres Arise Around The World

Sports can unite people from all races and backgrounds, can be a tool for tourism, and can bring out the best in people; that’s why countries, communities, and schools organise sports events and build sports centres. All around the world, sports complexes are being renovated and improved, and new sports facilities are being planned and worked on. From small changes like replacing a basketball hoop or some soccer goals to major renovations like replacing the sports flooring or adding a new court, re-modelling or building definitely takes lots of time, effort and money. But the long-term benefits and rewards are enormous as well. Visit

New And Renovated Sports Centres Arise Around The World

U.K. Gets Ready to Welcome Athletes from around the World for the Summer Olympics. Learn about Many of us Have Dreamed of Owing a Sports Car

The upcoming London 2012 Olympic Games is getting much buzz as its preparation for venues, sports centres and other infrastructures is well underway. After months of preparation and billions of pounds in budget, the city is almost ready for the much awaited summer Olympics. With 26 sports broken down into 39 disciplines, the Olympics programme is set. People from all corners of the world are excited to watch their athletes win the Gold.

Tampa Bay, Florida to Build New Sports Complex to Draw in Tourism

In their goal to be the marquee county in Tampa Bay, Florida, Pasco commissioners pledged almost all of the county’s tourism tax money for a multi-field sports complex in Wesley Chapel’s Wiregrass development. On the 200-acre field at Wiregrass, eight baseball and softball fields and a dozen multi-purpose fields for soccer or lacrosse will soon be built. Once this project is completed, it will hopefully become a tourism destination for the county.

Rockford, Illinois to Renovate Sports Centre and Build another Sports Complex

In Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois, two sports complex projects are ongoing – to improve the Sportscore Two complex and build another one. Renovation plans include the addition of five artificial and lighted multi-purpose fields, seven artificial turf and lighted soccer fields which could also be used for rugby and lacrosse, and one single-purpose turf and lighted softball diamond. The Indoor Sports Center’s basketball and volleyball areas will be replaced with more soccer fields and moved to a new location. The new facility would have eight basketball and 14 volleyball courts, BMX and skate parks, and an area for skateboarding, rollerblading, biking, wrestling, cheering, and dancing. These sports facilities will draw in athletes and visitors from nearby cities as well.

Gold Coast’s Complex Re-Opens after Renovation

As the renovated Australian Institute of Sport complex on the Gold Coast finally opens, the country’s elite triathletes, BMX riders, and canoeists share a new home. The newly refurbished sports facility features an expanded gym, boat facilities, recovery centre, admin and labs for sports science and medicine. A high quality facility for Australian athletes, this is an excellent centre for the three sports.

Private Sector Proposes New Sports Facility in Ontario

In Ontario, Canada, a group of companies led by GTA Sports and Entertainment proposed a 665,000-square-foot sports complex which will house a 10-lane pool, field house, triple gymnasium, 1,000 permanent seats, and 4,400 parking spots.

Other States, Sectors and Universities across the World Continue to Call for More Sporting Facilities

Everyone knows that there’s still so much need for sports centres. The private and public sectors both have to work together to heed this call. To foster camaraderie, teamwork, individuality, discipline and fitness, we need these sports parks.